Voja Pantić









Najbolji albumi:

  1. Charles Lloyd Quartet – Mirror (ECM)
  2. Dave Holland Octet – Pathways (Dare2)
  3. Keith Jarrett/Charlie Haden – Jasmine (ECM)
  4. Esperanza Spalding – Chamber Music Society (Heads Up)
  5. Brad Mehldau – Highway Rider (Nonesuch)
  6. Christian Muthspiel´s Yodel Group – May (Material Records)
  7. Jason Moran – Ten (Blue Note)
  8. Michel Portal – Bailador (Universal Music Classics & Jazz France)
  9. Mostly Other People Do the Killing – Forty Fort (Hot Cup)
  10. Charlie Haden Quartet West – Sophisticated Ladies (Emarcy)/The Jazz Passengers – Reunited (Yellowbird Records)

Evropski talenti u usponu:


2 komentara na “The Best of 2010: Vojislav Pantić”

  1. U velikoj ponudi najboljih albuma u 2010.domacih i stranih novinara,ovaj izbor mi je najblizi i rekao bih,pravi.Bravo Vojo,i srecna ti Nova 2011.godina.

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