Vijay Iyer, “Accelerando” (ACT)
Charlie Hunter and Scott Amendola, ‘Not Getting Behind is the New Getting Ahead’ (self-released)
Neneh Cherry and The Thing, ‘The Cherry Thing’ (Smalltown Supersound)
Billy Hart Quartet, ‘All Our Reasons’ (ECM)
Robert Glasper Experiment, “Black Radio” (Blue Note)
Living by Lanterns, ‘New Myth/Old Science’ (Cuneiform)
Brad Mehldau Trio, “Ode / Where Do You Start” (Nonesuch)
Esbjörn Svensson Trio, “301” (ACT)
Jenny Scheinman, “Mischief & Mayhem” (self-released)
Ravi Coltrane, ‘Spirit Fiction’ (Blue Note)
Bez ozbiljne konkurencije
Hiromi Uehara Trio Projekt – Move No.1
E mo’š misliti koliko je ta Hiromi dobra.
Best, she is the best.
Hiromi mi je interesantnija od Vijay-a.
U to ime – Hiromi fenomena (kids behind the keys!!!) – spomenuo bih & malog Austina Peraltu koji je preminuo ima mjesec dana već, a sa 16 godina snimio dva albuma za japanski Sony. “Endless Planets”, sjajna ploča. Inače sin suosnivača skateboard megacorpa Powell Peralta, čija životna priča je ove godine poharala Sundance Film Festival. Kakva užasna tragedija.